5 March 2025
Sensational Australian Animals has made the 2025 CBCA Notables list!!
What a thrill to find out last week that Sensational Australian Animals, written by Stephanie Owen Reeder (illustrated by me) and published by CSIRO Publishing has made it onto the Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) 2025 Book of the Year Award Notables list in the Eve Pownall Award category!!
Oh, my!!
20 January 2025
Every Rock Has a Story is out in stores now!
Woo-hoo it's finally here in stores!
I hope you can get your hands on a copy soon and, when you do, I really hope you love it as much as I loved illustrating it. It's filled with tons of fascinating and fun information and, of course, lots and lots of rocks!
Kitty and all the team at CSIRO Publishing have done a fabulous job. I thank Kitty for writing such a great book and for her and CSIRO Publishing for inviting me to be a part of creating such a wonderful publication.
Rock on!
17 October 2024
Sensational Australian Animals has won a Whitley Commendation Award!!
I am over-the-moon to announce that Sensational Australian Animals, written by Stephanie Owen Reeder (illustrated by me) and published by CSIRO Publishing has won the Royal Zoological Society of NSW Commendation Award for Children's Investigative Zoology!!
What an absolute thrill it is to have the book recognised with this incredible honour. It truly means the world to me. A huge thank you to the NSW Zoological Society for this recognition! And another great big thank you and congratulations to Stephanie and the crew at CSIRO Publishing for your inspiration, vision and hard work. It is a privilege to be a part of the gang that created this book.
To top it off, the ceremony was held last night in the magical location of the Long Gallery of 200 Treasures at the Australian Museum in Sydney!
10 September 2024
A new book is coming!!
My latest book illustration project is nearly out in the world. Every Rock Has a Story: An A to Z of Australian Geology, written by geologist and teacher, Kitty van Cuylenburg, and published by CSIRO Publishing is available for pre-order now!
This book makes geology fun! It is filled with facts, history and insights into Australia's amazing geology. Every Rock Has a Story: An A to Z of Australian Geology explores our incredible landscapes and offers captivating insights into our exceptional continent. Discover pink diamonds and stromatolites, the Great Artesian Basin and Uluru, and granite rocks formed billions of years ago. With stunning illustrations, engaging text and packed with fun facts, this is the perfect book for anyone curious about Australian geology.
I had such a great time working on this book and learning about many of the amazing geological features and processes around Australia. And, of course, the rocks! I discovered that I love illustrating rocks. I hope this book will not only be fun and interesting for those who already know they like rocks but as it did for me also help convert others into rock lovers.
15 February 2024
BOOK LAUNCH Sensational Australian Animals!
We will be holding a book launch for Sensational Australian Animals by Stephanie Owen Reeder (and me!) and published by CSIRO Publishing on Saturday, 24 February at 2 pm at The Book Cow, Green Square, Kingston, ACT.

There will be activities, bookmarks, tasty treats and book signings!

Head over to The Book Cow to book your free ticket (bookcow.com.au/events).

If you're in town, come and join the whole gang-gang 😝. Hope to see you there!

1 February 2024
Sensational Australian Animals is out!
I'm incredibly excited to tell you that Sensational Australian Animals, written by Stephanie Owen Reeder, illustrated by me and published by CSIRO Publishing is officially out in stores today!
Wow! My first published children's picture book is finally here! It has been an amazing privilege and dream come true to have the chance to work on this book with Stephanie and the crew at CSIRO Publishing. I enjoyed every single minute of it, and I hope you like it.
The book covers more than 145 truly astounding animals – from sharp-eyed whale sharks to sticky-bellied green tree frogs. It showcases the strange things these creatures can do with their eyes, ears, noses, mouths and skin! Meet unique Australian birds that laugh, frogs that quack, fish that sing, mammals that glow in the dark,  seahorses disguised as seaweed, turtles that breathe through their bums and lizards that clean their eyes with their tongues!
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